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What exactly is Laravel and the Laravel Framework?

Member Admin

What exactly is Laravel and the Laravel Framework?

Laravel is a robust MVC PHP framework, which stands for model, view, and controller. It is intended for developers and was built by Laravel Taylor Otwell. It is a concise lesson that explains the whole relevance of the Laravel Framework.
Who would want to learn how to create websites using Laravel. This guide makes it extremely simple for them to learn.

There is an MVC framework available, as well as Laravel bundles, migrations, and the Artisan CLI. Laravel offers a robust collection of tools and an application architecture that includes CodeIgniter, Yii, and many more useful features.
Laravel is a free and open-source framework. Laravel will simplify your job if you are comfortable with Core PHP and Advanced PHP.

Laravel Framework version types

As I previously said, Laravel is a sophisticated MVC PHP framework. MVC stands for model, view, and controller. It is intended for programmers. Now I'll also inform you that there is a Larval version that you may use. Let's see if you can work in the same version in the version.

Laravel 5.7 was released this time, with the inclusion of 5.6, 5.5, 5.4, 5.3, 5.2, 5.1, 5.0, and 4.2.

Friends, in the following section, I will explain how to setup the project folder in Laravel.

Installation of Laravel

Hello there, buddies. As I previously said, I will now explain how to setup a project folder in laravel. Let me walk you through everything step by step.

Step: -1 First and foremost, you will install composer in order to install composer. Install composer by going to and launching Composer-Setup.exe.

Step:-2 After installing the composer, go to the location where you want to put your project and launch cmd from there.

>xampp >htdocs >yourfoldername >c You may enter and open it.

Step-:3 After installation, you must now perform one command to move the project file into the folder. For each version, different instructions are executed, so be aware. What instructions are executed for which version?

Composer create-project laravel/laravel directory—->command execute for laravel 4.2 4.2 -preferential-dist

Composer create-project laravel/laravel directory "5.0.*" command executed for laravel 5.0 –prefer-dist

Composer create-project laravel/laravel blog "5.1.*" command performed for laravel 5.1

Run the following command for Laravel 5.2: composer create-project -prefer-dist laravel/laravel blog "5.2.*"

Composer create-project -prefer-dist laravel/laravel blog "5.3.*" command executed for laravel 5.3

Composer create-project -prefer-dist laravel/laravel blog "5.4.*" command executed for laravel 5.4

Run the following command for Laravel 5.5: composer create-project -prefer-dist laravel/laravel blog

Run the following command for Laravel 5.6: composer create-project -prefer-dist laravel/laravel blog

Now I'll show you how to build a database connection in Laravel, which you can do by clicking on the link below.

This topic was modified 2 years ago by Administrator
Topic starter Posted : 23/09/2022 7:05 am